Sample Codicil
You can modify your will without rewriting it entirely with an amendment called a “codicil.” Codicils must be signed by witnesses and should be kept with the original will. Before making any changes to your will, we recommend you contact your attorney or financial advisor to ensure this change will not negatively impact other aspects of your estate plan.
The codicil must be signed in the presence of witnesses to be valid, and the original document placed with your other valuable papers. A copy can go to your lawyer along with a copy to Unbound.
To modify your will by codicil and include a gift for Unbound, please consider sharing the following language with your attorney:
I give, devise, and bequeath $ ___________ to Unbound, 1 Elmwood Ave., Kansas City, KS 66103, for its charitable uses and purposes.
In all other respects I ratify and confirm all of the provision of my said last Will and Testament dated on the _________ day of ______________, 202_.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I sign, publish and declare this instrument to be a Codicil to my last Will and Testament in the presence of the persons witnessing said Codicil at my request this _____ day of ___________, 202_.
Your Giving Toolkit
Have questions? I'm here to help!

Michael J. Calabria, CAP®
Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy
Planned Giving Director