Supporters Like You

Callan J. Ackerman, Ph.D.

While raising four children of his own, Callan Ackerman has been supporting children and families through Unbound for more than 20 years.

Ackerman’s support began in memory of his mother-in-law, with the hope of also inspiring and encouraging his children and future generations to live charitable lives. “It gives me a great sense of comfort and purpose to know that we can continue to help the poor, hopefully indefinitely,” Ackerman says.

He feels a great responsibility toward the children he sponsors and enjoys the personal connection he has with them. His hope is for others to put Unbound at the top of their list for doing God’s work in helping families overcome poverty.  

George and Diane Moll

George and Diane Moll have been actively involved with Unbound since 2000. They’ve supported individuals and communities all over the world, including in countries such as the Philippines and India.

“Our life on Earth is for a certain period of time, and it is one thing to be able to effect change during your physical life, but to have that continue when you are no longer able to keep that going, that presence I think is a wonderful way to effect change in our world,” states Diane.

Reputation is important to both George and Diane. They work incredibly hard to ensure accountability and transparency. With Unbound, they see firsthand what is being done with the resources provided by supporters and witness the dedication, joy and goodness coming from the staff in the field.

Diane notes, We live, in many ways, … in an age of so much skepticism, where people are very reluctant many times to entrust their funds, their money, their resources to another because they have seen much misuse. And so it is always such a breath of fresh air to be able to say, I know of an organization that you can feel very confident of their stewardship and the way they present themselves as far as meeting the needs of other people.’”

Share your legacy!

If you’ve included a gift for Unbound in your will or trust, please let us know! We would like to recognize you for your generosity and ensure that your gift is used as you intend.